Rolf van Dick

Prof. Dr. Rolf van Dick ist Professor für Sozialpsychologie an der Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Er hatte Professuren an der Aston University in Birmingham und am AFI in Oslo inne und war als Gastprofessor tätig in China, Griechenland, Italien, Nepal, und den USA. In seine Forschung interessieren ihn Prozesse in und zwischen sozialen Gruppen und insbesondere die Anwendung der Theorie der sozialen Identität auf Phänomene wir Gesundheit und Führung.

Rolf van Dick betrachtet dieses Thema im Projekt „Stressbewältigung und Resilienz“ in dem er eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage zu Stressoren und Gesundheit vor allem im Hinblick auf die protektive Rolle sozialer Identität auswertet.

Das Forschungsvorhaben ist Teil der Thematischen Area 1: Umsorgtes Leben.

Projekt: Resilienzfaktoren in diachroner und interkultureller Perspektive – Was macht den Menschen widerstandsfähig? (T1)

Projekt: Stressbewältigung und Resilienz (T1)


van Dick, Rolf (2020): Repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage. Erste Ergebnisse zu drei Projekten. Interner Workshop des Profilbereichs "40.000 years of human challenges an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Wahrnehmungen von Herausforderungen und Krisen in vormodernen Gesellschaften als Untersuchungsfeld: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen". online, 23.10.2020.

Avanzi, L.; Savadori, L.; Fraccaroli, F.; Ciampa, V.; van Dick, Rolf (im Druck): Too-Much-of-a-Good-Thing? The curvilinear relation between identification, overcommitment, and employee well-being. In: Current Psychology (projektiert für 2022).

Frenzel, S., Junker, N.M., Avanzi, L., Haslam, S.A., Haslam, C., Häusser, J.A., Meyer, I., Mojzisch, A., Monzani, L., Reicher, S.D., Schuh, S.C., Schury, V.A., Steffens, N., van Zyl, L.E., & van Dick, Rolf (in press). Perceptions of the targets and sources of COVID-19 threat are structured by group memberships and responses are influenced by identification with humankind. Psychologica Belgica.


Frenzel, S., Junker, N.M., Avanzi, L., Bolatov, A., Haslam, S.A., Häusser, J.A., Kark, R., Meyer, I., Mojzisch, A., Monzani, L., Reicher, S., Samekin, A., Schury, V.A., Steffens, N.K., Sultanova, L., Van Dijk, D., Van Zyl, L.E., & Van Dick, Rolf (2022). A trouble shared is a trouble halved: The role of family identification and identification with humankind in well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology, 61(1), 55-82.

Frenzel, S., Junker, N.M., Avanzi, L., Bolatov, A., Haslam, S.A., Häusser, J.A., Kark, R., Meyer, I., Mojzisch, A., Monzani, L., Reicher, S., Samekin, A., Schury, V.A., Steffens, N.K., Sultanova, L., Van Dijk, D., Van Zyl, L.E., & Van Dick, Rolf (2022). A trouble shared is a trouble halved: The role of family identification and identification with humankind in well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology, 61(1), 55-82.

Junker, N. M., van Dick, Rolf, Häusser, J. A., Ellwart, T., & Zyphur, M. J. (2022): The I and we of team identification: A multilevel study of exhaustion and (in)congruence among individuals and teams in team identification. Group & Organization Management, 47(1), 41-71.


Avanzi, L., Perinelli, E., Bressan, M., Balducci, C., Lombardi, L., Fraccaroli, F., & Van Dick, Rolf (2021): The mediational effect of social support between organizational identification and employees’ health: A three-wave study on the social cure model. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 34(4), 465-478. DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2020.1868443

Dreisoerner, A., Junker, N.M., Schlotz, W., Heimrich, J., Bloemeke, S. Ditzen, B., Van Dick, Rolf (2021): Self-soothing touch and being hugged reduce cortisol responses to stress: A randomized controlled trial on stress, physical touch, and social identity. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 8, 100091.

Erfurth, L.M., Hernandez Bark, A.S., Molenaar, C., Aydin, A.l., & van Dick, Rolf (2021): “If worse comes to worst, my neighbors come first”: social identity as a collective resilience factor in areas threatened by sea floods. SN Social Sciences, 1, 272.

Junker, N. M., Kaluza, A. J., Häusser, J. A., Mojzisch, A., van Dick, Rolf, Knoll, M., & Demerouti, E. (2021): Does work engagement exhaust? Investigating the longitudinal relationship between work engagement and exhaustion using latent growth modeling. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70(2), 788-815.

Kaluza A.J., Junker N.M., van Dick Rolf (2021): „Replace „I“ with „we“ and „illness“ becomes „wellness“ – Wie gemeinsame soziale Identität das Wohlbefinden steigern kann“. In: Michel A., Hoppe A. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Gesundheitsförderung bei der Arbeit (S. 1-14). Springer.

Van Dick, Rolf, Cordes, B.L. Lemoine, J.E., Steffens, N.K., Haslam, S.A., Akfirat, S.A., Ballada, C.J.A., Bazarov, T., Aruta, J.J.B.R., Avanzi, L., Bodla, A.A., Bunjak, A., Černe, M., Dumont, K., Edelmann, C.M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., García-Ael, C., Giessner, S., Gleibs, I., Godlewska-Werner, D., Gonzalez, R., Kark, R., Laguia Gonzalez, A., Lam, H., Lipponen, J., Lupina-Wegener, A., Markovits, Y., Maskor, M., Molero Alonso, F.J., Monzani, L., Moriano Leon, J.A., Neves, P., Orosz, G., Pandey, D., Retowski, S., Roland-Lévy, C., Samekin, A., Schuh, S., Sekiguchi, T., Song, L.J., Story, J., Stouten, J., Sultanova, L., Tatachari, S., Valdenegro, D., van Bunderen, L., van Dijk, D., Wong, S.I., Youssef, F., Zhang, X-a., & Kerschreiter, R. (2021): Identity leadership, employee burnout, and the mediating role of team identification: Evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22):12081.

Veer, I.M., Riepenhausen, A., Zerban, M., Wackerhagen, C., Puhlmann, L.M.C., Engen, H., Köber, G., Bögemann, S.A., Weermeijer, S., Uściƚko, A., Mor, N., Marciniak, M.A, Askelund, A.D., Al-Kamel, A., Ayash, S., Barsuola, G., Bartkute-Norkuniene, V., Battaglia, S., Bobko, Y., Bölte, S., Cardone, P., Chvojková, E., Damnjanović, K., De Calheiros Velozo, J., de Thurah, L., Deza-Araujo, Y.I., Dimitrov, A., Farkas, K., Feller, C., Gazea, M., Gilan, D., Gnjidić, V., Hajduk, M., Hiekkaranta, A.P., Hofgaard, L.S., Ilen, L., Kasanova, Z., Khanpour, M., Hi Po Lau, B., Lenferink, D.B., Lindhardt, T.B., Magas, D.A., Mituniewicz, J., Moreno-López, L., Muzychka, S., Ntafouli, M., O'Leary, A., Paparella, I., Põldver, N., Rintala, A., Robak, N., Rosická, A.M., Røysamb, E., Sadeghi, S., Schneider, M., Siugzdaite, R., Stantić, M., Teixeira, A., Todorovic, A., Wan, W.W.N., van Dick, Rolf, Lieb, K., Kleim, B., Hermans, E.J., Kobylinska, D., Hendler, T., Binder, H., Myin-Germeys, I., van LeeuwenJ.M.C., Tüscher, O., Yuen, K.S.L., Walter, H., Kalisch, R. (2021): Psycho-social factors associated with mental resilience in the Corona lockdown. Translational Psychiatry, 11, 67.


Schuh, Sebastian C.; van Dick, Rolf; Wegge, Jürgen; Haslam, S. Alexander (2020): Soziale Identität und Stress. In: Tobias Ringeisen, Petia Genkova und Frederick T. L. Leong (Hg.): Handbuch Stress und Kultur. Interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden; Springer, S. 1–16.

van Dick, Rolf; Diamond, J. (2020): Resilient aus der kollektiven Krise: Wie Organisationen von Individuen und Nationen lernen können. In: OrganisationsEntwicklung 20 (1), S. 46–51.

Dreisoerner, Aljoscha; Junker, Nina Mareen; van Dick, Rolf (2020): The Relationship Among the Components of Self-compassion: A Pilot Study Using a Compassionate Writing Intervention to Enhance Self-kindness, Common Humanity, and Mindfulness. In: J Happiness Stud, S. 1–27. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-019-00217-4.

Frenzel, S.; Junker, N. M.; Häusser, J. A.; Haslam, S. A.; van Dick, Rolf (2020): When “I” becomes “we”, even “illness” turns to “wellness”: Why group life is important for our health. In: Frontiers for Young Minds 8:30.

Häusser, Jan A.; Junker, Nina M.; van Dick, Rolf (2020): The how and the when of the social cure: A conceptual model of group‐ and individual‐level mechanisms linking social identity to health and well‐being. In: Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 50 (4), S. 721–732. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2668.

Junker, Nina M.; van Dick, Rolf (2020): Congruence in Preferences and Expectations of Work-Family Role Management: Operationalization and the Relation with Work-Family Balance and Spousal Support. In: Sex Roles 82 (11-12), S. 644–658. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-019-01085-1.

Kaluza, Antonia J.; Boer, Diana; Buengeler, Claudia; van Dick, Rolf (2020): Leadership behaviour and leader self-reported well-being: A review, integration and meta-analytic examination. In: Work & Stress 34 (1), S. 34–56. DOI: 10.1080/02678373.2019.1617369.

Kaluza, Antonia J.; Schuh, Sebastian C.; Kern, Marcel; Xin, Katherine; van Dick, Rolf (2020): How do leaders' perceptions of organizational health climate shape employee exhaustion and engagement? Toward a cascading‐effects model. In: Hum Resour Manage 59 (4), S. 359–377. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.22000.

Ciampa, Valeria; Steffens, Niklas K.; Schuh, Sebastian C.; Fraccaroli, Franco; van Dick, Rolf (2019): Identity and stress: an application of the expanded model of organisational identification in predicting strain at work. In: Work & Stress 33 (4), S. 351–365. DOI: 10.1080/02678373.2018.1521884.

Goldschmidt, Imeke; Jacobi, Christoph; Junge, Norman; Pfister, Eva; Richter, Nico; Baumann, Ulrich (2019): Impact of Immunosuppression on Executive Functioning After Pediatric Liver Transplantation: An Observational Cohort Study. In: Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 68 (4), S. 480–487. DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002274.

Junker, Nina M.;  van Dick, Rolf; Avanzi, Lorenzo; Häusser, Jan A.; Mojzisch, Andreas (2019): Exploring the mechanisms underlying the social identity-ill-health link: Longitudinal and experimental evidence. In: The British journal of social psychology 58 (4), S. 991–1007. DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12308.

Kauff, M.; Stegmann, S.; van Dick, Rolf; Beierlein, C.; Christ, O. (2019): Measuring Beliefs in the Instrumentality of Ethnic Diversity – Development and Validation of the Pro-Diversity Beliefs Scale (PDBS). In: Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 22, S. 494–510.

Monzani, Lucas; Knoll, Michael; Giessner, Steffen; van Dick, Rolf; Peiró, José María (2019): Between a Rock and Hard Place: Combined Effects of Authentic Leadership, Organizational Identification, and Team Prototypicality on Managerial Prohibitive Voice. In: The Spanish journal of psychology 22, E2. DOI: 10.1017/sjp.2019.1.

Vahle-Hinz, Tim; Baethge, Anja; van Dick, Rolf (2019): Beyond one work day? A daily diary study on causal and reverse effects between experienced workplace incivility and behaving rude towards others. In: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 28 (2), S. 272–285. DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2019.1576633.

Haslam, C., Steffens, N.K., & Van Dick, Rolf (2020). Die heilsame Kraft des Wir. Gehirn & Geist, 08_2020, 2-9.   Spanish version published as: Haslam, C., Steffens, N.K., & Van Dick, R. (2021). El poder curativo del grupo. Mente y Cerebro, 10_2021, 10-17. French version published as: Haslam, C., Steffens, N.K., & Van Dick, R. (2020). Les groupes : des fontaines de jouvence. Cerveau & Psycho, 9_2020, 54-59.